Hello February

I hope you are all well?

This month I'd like to talk about the importance of a healthy diet. Did you know that 90% of your immune system resides in your gastrointestinal tract? That's quite staggering really, and highlights how important it is to sustain a healthy microbiome or gut. As Hippocrates put it "let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"

During January I made a conscious effort to try and reduce my intake of refined carbohydrates, which hasn't been easy, but I am starting to see results! My weight, and particularly the excess wobble around my middle is starting to decrease. But most importantly, although I didn't have a sweet tooth, my need for sugar has drastically reduced. I am also finding that I don't need to snack between meals and I no longer feel the hunger pangs! Did you know, that sugar is in fact more addictive than cocaine? Which is probably why the Western world really has a problem with obesity and ill health.

Refined carbohydrates ie. Sugar, white flour, bread, rice, barley, chocolate, crisps and fizzy drinks are all processed products that have very little or no nutritional value to our health but also have an impact on the good foods we ingest. Refined carbohydrates if consumed regularly and in excess can lead to insulin resistance and type II diabetes.

Swaps... maybe consider swapping chocolate for a healthy chocolate such as dark chocolate (at least 80% chocolate) it is also considered a prebiotic (redovnikovic et al.,2009}. There are other healthy options such as carob. Other swaps to consider are brown rice's and pastas, which haven't been so highly processed and easier to consume.

There are of course the complex carbohydrates such as legumes, beans, lentils, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds. These all convert to energy at a slower rate and therefore do not spike our energy levels like the unrefined carbs do.

To balance our stress levels and our happy hormones we need to be eating a good balance of complex carbohydrates including fibre and good proteins along with good fats (including EFA's), vitamins, in particular B Vitamins and not forgetting vitamin C. Minerals, in particular magnesium, calcium and zinc being of particular importance.
Most of these can be found in quality fruits, vegetables, grass-fed meat, cold water fish and wholefoods but in some circumstances supplementation can be helpful*.

Whilst mentioning vitamins, it is important to mention, it is suggested that we should all be taking a good quality Vitamin D supplement*. Vitamin D is mainly achieved through the skin from the sun, but as we all know, in this part of the world this isn't do-able during the winter months and therefore supplementation is key to our winter health.

And finally let's not forget our prebiotics and probiotics to maintain a happy healthy gut, after all we want to keep our immune function happy too!

If you'd like a simple sauerkraut recipe pop me a message.

This month's special offer includes a health & wellbeing assessment plan included in with any new reflexology booking.**
Sessions will be 75 minutes instead of an hour, with an aim at giving clients a more individualised treatment and a chance to discuss in more detail any healthy changes they might be looking to make.

If you introduce a friend I also offer a loyalty scheme which gives you and your friend £5 off a reflexology session as a thank you for your valued support!

If you haven't had a chance to visit the centre yet, this is a snippet of the inside. Chard Natural Health Centre is a beautifully restored Georgian building with easy access and plenty of car parks or on street parking.

I continue to focus on women's health and work with you to achieve the best results possible.

Thank you so much for your continued support of AromaReflex Health & Wellbeing.

Paula x

*If you are taking any medication, please consult your healthcare professional before taking any supplements.
**Please let me know at the time of booking if you wish to take a health assessment. a food diary will be needed to assist with your individualised health plan.


Reflexology for Menopause